Fire preparation services in Nevada County, CA
Wildfire Fuel Reduction, Defensible Space, Branch Trimming & Lawn Maintenance
Defensible Space
The buffer between a building and the surrounding wild land area is defensible space. Creating defensible space reduces the risk that fire will spread from one area to another, or to a structure.
Wildfire Fuel Reduction
Accumulated vegetation allows fires to burn hotter, faster, and higher. Reducing these materials slows the spread and pace of wildfires.
Lawn Maintenance
Lawn maintenance entails keeping your lawn and outdoor property clean and manicured year round, maintaining defensible space and minimizing wildfire fuels.
Branch Trimming
Tree branches, both living and dead are common ladder fuels that allow fire to climb up from the landscape. Removal of branches from easy reach of the fire prevents its spread.
Get a free wildfire preparedness inspection
Let us assess your risk and provide a free fire preparedness estimate today.
Fuels that could carry a fire from low-growing vegetation to taller vegetation is called a ladder fuel.
Foothill Fire Prep will:
- Remove leaf and needle debris from the yard and immediate area around homes and property
- Keep Grass and weeds well trimmed
- Remove ladder fuels by trimming weeds and creating green waste piles that will be chipped though the Fire Safety Council of Nevada County's Chipping Program
- Create defensible space along roadways, as required by the County of Nevada's Hazardous Vegetation Abatement Ordinance
Improve fire preparedness by:
- Removing leaf and needle debris from the property
- Creating a no-fuel zone around your home
- Trimming overhanging branches from buildings
- Removing tall grasses, shrubs and young trees, limbing up lower branches
- Increase space between vegetation
- Thinning smaller trees to keep the fire out of the canopy
Call today
Make a call to (530) 386-0586 to get scheduled
Fire Safety links for Nevada County residents: Ready Nevada County, Stay up to date with county news and information.
FireSafe Council - A local volunteer organization dedicated to making Nevada County safer from wildfire. A resource to prepare your home and get evacuation and planning information and materials.